

Page history last edited by Shu-Yee Chen 5 years, 4 months ago



WELCOME TO NNHS Science Course--Ms. Chen's Classes





Introductory Physics 614 (not taught currently)
AP Biology (605)
Biology Honors (601) (not taught currently)
Biology ACP (611) (not taught currently)


Contact information:  

email: shu-yee_chen@newton.k12.ma.us


Newton North High School  

457 Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460 


Riley House 

Classroom: 414

Office: 420-C





1. Come to X-Block *Monday 2:25-3:20pm* at Room 414 to meet with Ms. Chen or any other biology teachers!!

2. Arrange a meeting with Ms. Chen before school or during a free block.

3. E-mail Ms. Chen with a quick question if you are at home. (I cannot promise you will get response back before next class, but at least it's on my radar when I checked my email in the morning.)

4. Get help from friends, THINK/DISCUSS together but your work/solutions must be YOUR OWN!!!!! NO copying! If you are not sure, write down who helped you on the top of the paper.

5. Science Help-- bring your work and questions. Schedule will be posted ASAP

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